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6 Things To Do With Your Horse This Christmas!

6 Things To Do With Your Horse This Christmas!

Equetech | December 22 2022

Looking forward to some time off work, school or college? We share our tips to make the most of your time off with a horsey twist of course! We’ve put together some ideas for different equestrian activities to keep you, and your horses, occupied this Christmas break.

1.  Get creative!  How about making some personalised cards featuring your horse for friends at the barn and family? A festive photo of you and your horse will make a personal greeting for this year’s Christmas cards!


2. Keep warm and keep moving. You could celebrate the season with a Christmas themed gymkhana or musical ride at your yard. Don’t forget the mulled wine for your supportive spectators!


3. If the weather isn’t cooperating, (let's face it when does it!) use the time to practice your grooming and plaiting techniques ready for the new competition season. 


4. Get out with friends. Why not organise a fun yard hack! It could just be you and a friend heading out on Christmas Eve, or a big group of you on Boxing day, the fresh air will blow the cobwebs away!


5. If you’re a creative type you could go all out and decorate the outside of your horse’s ‘house’. Just be careful to keep any decorations out of your horse’s reach!


6. It’s only right we should treat our horses this Christmas! Treats like carrots, apples and swedes will no doubt go down a treat with your four-legged friends. You can also make some horsey Christmas cookies as a delicious treat for your horse and their buddies!

Whatever you get up to this Christmas from all of us at Equetech we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

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