10 Reasons Why You Fell In Love With Horses (Just To Remind You On The Bad Days)
10 Reasons Why You Fell In Love With Horses (Just To Remind You On The Bad Days)
Equetech | February 01 2024Here are ten reasons (some tongue in cheek) why you fell in love with horses, for when you need to remind yourself as you're wading through 2ft of deep wet mud with a wheelbarrow to poo-pick your horse's field in the pouring rain and have no feeling left in your cold toes.
- They motivate you to get up and get out of the house every day.
- They keep us fit and active (especially when they won't be caught in the field).
- Mucking out is the best gym workout. Fact.
- They help us forget our everyday problems and worries.
- Together, you can have adventures like no other.
- They love you unconditionally.
- They teach us so much about ourselves.
- They help us build firm and lasting friendships within the equestrian community.
- You never knew before that you would have a rug/saddle cloth/boot* (amend as applicable) obsession like now.
- They give you the most tremendous appreciation for warm and waterproof clothing in winter.
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