20 Essentials For Your Horsebox!
20 Essentials For Your Horsebox!
Equetech | April 18 2019We have all done it; got to a competition, maybe even running late, and we have started looking for something we 'need' only to realise we have left it at home! Sometimes you’re lucky enough to find someone in the lorry park who is kind enough to lend us whatever it is we have forgotten to pack, but don't get caught short again - check out our list of twenty essentials no horsebox should leave home without!
1. First Aid Kit. A well-stocked first aid kit for both you and your horse is a must. Hopefully you will never need to use it but, just it's better to be safe than sorry.
2. Fresh water and water buckets. Fresh water for washing off your horse after your competition and of course to be offer a drink.
3. Rugs. Thanks to our changeable weather, it’s probably a good idea to have a few options in case the weather takes a turn for the worst.
4. Spares. Now this list could go on for ever, but a spare head collar and lead rope is always a good start!
5. Passport. A note somewhere to remind you to take your horse’s passport with you (we don't recommend you leave them in your lorry permanently so a note stuck somewhere is a helpful reminder!).
6. Haynet and hay with a spare net just in case you get delayed and need a top-up!
7. Emergency Contact Numbers. We hope these are never needed, but a list of emergency numbers stored in the glove box would be useful, vets, breakdown cover, etc).
8. Dressage Tests. If you are heading to a dressage competition, then a copy of the tests might come in useful for one last glance before you head up the centre line.
9. Hairnet. Keep your hair neat and tidy with an Show Hairnet.
10. Tools for cleaning your lorry or at least to pick up any droppings. Most show grounds are often strict about keeping their carparks clean so a tub and scooper to clear up after you is a must.
11.For the rider; Riding boots and riding hat! It might sound obvious but when packing for a show sometimes the most obvious of things you can forget!
12. For the horse; saddle, bridle, saddle cloths etc, depending on what you are doing make sure if you need changes of bits / reins etc that you have got them all packed.
13. Bridle numbers. If you are competing in dressage you will now need two dressage numbers, one for either side of your horse. Choose from our range of Equetech Competition Numbers for saddle cloths and bridles.
14. Grooming kit. At the very least we recommend you pack a hoof pick, and a couple of brushes.
15. Gloves. So easy to forget but for most disciplines these must be worn under the rules. Check out our range of Show Gloves.
16. Medical Armband. If you are eventing don't forget to pack your medical armband.
17. Your driving licence and some cash.
18. Some spare clothes, how many times have you ended up getting caught in a downpour? Be prepared for this great British weather with some extra clothes just in case an don’t forget your coats and jackets.
19. Sunglasses, sunhat and some sun cream. If you aren't being caught in a downpour you might find yourself in the middle of show day and the sun makes an appearance so be prepared!
20. Your horse!
Looking to impress at your next competition? Explore our range of competition jackets and breeches.